Landman 2024– Full Movie Watch Subtitles
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A modern-day story about finding fortune in the world of West Texas oil rigs
Watch writer/director Taylor Sheridan’s most popular movies and TV series on IMDb, sorted by user rating. A landman, that is, at least one who works in the petroleum industry, acts as a middleman between exploration companies and landowners.
They essentially manage the land and secure the leases so they can drill for oil and gas
A landman’s job is typically to negotiate and enter into contracts with landowners who own mineral rights to lease those rights to the company they represent. Like a foreman on a construction site, they build roads, workhouses (man camps), supervise the assembly of digging machines, and the drilling of the well itself, especially in remote locations.
Reference in CBS News Sunday Morning: 4424 episode (2022)
They are also parts fixers, problem solvers, and facilitators. First, I have to say that I’m a huge fan of just about anything Taylor Sheridan (Yellowstone, Mayor of Kingstown, 1923, 1883, King of Tulsa, Lioness, Sicario, He’ll or Highwater, Wind River, etc., etc.).
It’s another hit for Sheridan
Home run after home run, and Landman is no different. Landman is set in modern day Texas, where everyone from billionaires to roughnecks are trying to get rich in the oil industry.
I would recommend it to anyone looking for a good new series, especially if you’re a fan of Taylor Sheridan
This series follows Tommy Norris (Billy Bob Thornton) as he tries to get his company to the top during the oil boom.
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